Market Commentary

Timely takes on markets and the economy.
CONTENT WITH Market Commentary

Timely takes on markets and the economy.

The Fed announced details of balance sheet tapering, but emphasized that the pace might be adjusted depending on inflation and economic trends heading into 2022.
Earnings season has been stellar so far, although the growth rate is well off its prior quarter peak, with profit margins in focus looking ahead.
Services make up more of the economy, jobs, and the stock market. The time has come to focus on services data to get a sense of the overall economic picture.
The speculative exuberance around special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) seems to be over, but investors still have questions about them.
Where does the fixed income market go from here?
The age of abundance has given way to an age of scarcity, while the pro-cyclical version of inflation may have given way to the counter-cyclical version.
Persistently going from one transitory source of inflation to the next may keep inflation elevated for longer than markets currently anticipate.
Japanese stocks have rebounded to 30-year highs and became the world’s best performers in September and the third quarter.
It’s been 35 years since I began my career on Wall Street and the lessons I learned along the way from some all-time investment greats always hold true.
The bond market has been in hibernation for months, and investors may have become complacent about risks.

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