Market Commentary

Timely takes on markets and the economy.
CONTENT WITH Market Commentary

Timely takes on markets and the economy.

The December payrolls report was mostly underwhelming and underscored persistent virus-related data distortions within the labor market.
A change in fundamentals could make international bonds more attractive.
Despite the strong year for stocks in 2021, markets have confidently priced in some negative trends gathering more momentum in 2022 which may help markets, should trends reverse.
Some of the market’s recent pressures are showing signs of easing.
Investor sentiment is one key to shorter-term market swings; with euphoria preceding September’s and late-November’s pullbacks; but better conditions in place … for now.
COVID-19 is becoming endemic rather than pandemic.
While economic stress is easing as we turn to 2022, so are the market’s stellar gains, as the virus continues to determine the expansion’s trajectory.
Persistent high-tide growth is likely to help float the global economy safely over the rocks of risks in 2022, despite waves of worries: COVID, inflation, shortages & rate hikes.
Both the market’s churn and success have bred a resurgence in optimism which, for now, has been positively offset by strong breadth and firm profit margins.
After a year of supply shortages, the global economy may be closer to the end of the supply chain problems than the beginning.

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